Energy Analysis and Conservation Tips
Inter-County Energy will perform, at no cost, an energy audit of the home and offer tips on reducing energy consumption. By using these hints, members can tailor an energy conservation program to the family's needs.  We also have a Virtual Energy Advisor / Virtual Energy Assessment option so members can conduct their own energy audit of their home from their home.  More tips from the DOE. 

Energy Savings
This booklet shows you how easy it is to reduce your home energy use. It is a guide to easy, practical solutions for saving energy throughout your home, from the insulating system that surrounds it to the appliances and lights inside. Please, take a few moments to read the valuable tips in this booklet that will save you energy and money and, in many cases, help the environment by reducing pollution and conserving our natural resources.

Members Guide to Energy Savings
When the family's grocery bill skyrockets, do you blame the supermarket? Usually not. So when your electricity bill climbs, don't blame the meter - take corrective action.

Lighting Basics
When building or remodeling a home, one of the most overlooked planning items is lighting. There is no better time than at construction to install proper lighting. For your family's safety, security lighting can be very important.  Solid-State Lighting | Department of Energy    LED Lighting

More tips to save energy at your home or your business!