Residential EV Off-Peak Charging Pilot Program 

Click on the following link to sign-up for the EV Charging Program 

EV Pilot Program - Together We Save ( 

Residential EV Off-Peak Charging Pilot Program (Click to review the tariff.) 

The Residential EV Off-peak Charging Program is available to end-use retail members (“retail members”) in the service territory of Inter-County Energy Cooperative and includes energy reporting from electric vehicles or compatible electric vehicle supply equipment (“EVSE”). The Residential EV Off-Peak Charging Program will be a three-year pilot ending June 30, 2026. Inter-County Energy Cooperative reserves the right to restrict the number of retail members in the pilot.

Purpose: The Residential Electric Vehicle (“EV”) Off-Peak Charging Program will encourage the reduction of growth in peak demand resulting from the adoption of EVs, allow Inter-County Energy Cooperative to utilize its system more efficiently, and promote the adoption of EVs. Eligibility To qualify for this program, the retail member’s residence must be located in the service territory of Inter County Energy Cooperative and be on their Farm and Home Service – Schedule 1, Residential Rate. The retail member must utilize Level 2 EVSE.

Eligibility may be denied when the EV or the EVSE is not compatible with or does not function properly with the energy software platform utilized for this program. The retail member may either own or rent the residence where the qualifying EVSE or EV will be charging. The retail member is responsible for obtaining the permission of the owner of the rented residence to participate in the Residential Electric Vehicle Off-Peak Charging Program.


Consumer Reports has declared that the era of the electric car has arrived. With prices dropping and technology changing, Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have seen a surge of interest in electric vehicles.  The following questions and answers are for members seeking information:  EV Q&A  BEV   PHEV 

We want to Change/Charge Kentucky with regards to EV's and their potential.  EV Charging Station Map

   A video about Electric Vehicle information.

Team Kentucky EV


US Department of Energy/ Alternative Fuels Data Center. Here, state incentives and any changes associated with electric vehicles across the nation and Kentucky can be found.  

Alternative Fueling Station Locator Locating a charging station is important.  This link will provide you with the necessary charging points located in each state.  You can search by state.