Pole Attachments and Joint Use Information

For questions regarding any of the information provided, email jointuse@intercountyenergy.net. All information provided shall not be distributed in any way or used for any other purposes than making attachments on Inter-County Energy poles.  By using this webpage, you acknowledge understanding that misuse of any of the information contained herein is a violation of Non-Disclosure agreement terms.    

Application Process and Permitting

A copy of the pole attachment permit application/attacher certification form can be found here and the OTMR (One Touch Make Ready Addendum) can be found here.  Pole Attachment Certification Form

The application should be submitted (reminder to submit Survey Fee simultaneously where applicable) to the cooperative's Operations Department at the following email address jointuse@intercountyenergy.net for review.

Pole Attachment Related Contact Information

If a contractor has questions about invoicing, specific jobs/projects, pole attachments, make-ready work or escalation of disputes, please call (859) 236-4561.

Pole attachment requests/permit applications, contractor approvals, and requests for information from new attachers should be submitted to jointuse@intercountyenergy.net. This is a shared mailbox monitored by multiple employees.

Questions or concerns related to invoicing should be submitted to invoicing@intercountyenergy.net.  This is a shared mailbox monitored by multiple employees.

The aforementioned shared mailboxes are the preferred/recommended method of contact, but specific individual contacts are listed below as a secondary method.

Primary contact for job/project, specific pole attachment questions, make-ready work, and escalation of disputes: David Phelps: VP of Operations, davidp@intercountyenergy.net. Contact number: (859) 936-7818

Primary contact for invoicing and payment.  Davonne Price: davonne@intercountyenergy.net. Contact number is (859) 936-7816. Note that this is the contact for accounting questions, and job/project specific questions should be directed to the Joint-Use email found above.   

Alternative contacts for invoicing, payment, make-ready work, and escalation of disputes: Bud Griffith, Asst System Engineer: bud@intercountyenergy.net. Contact number is (859) 936-7857. David Phelps, VP of Operations: davidp@intercountyenergy.net. Contact number is (859) 936-7818. 


Construction Standards & Specifications

All requirements listed in the Communications Attachment Guide referenced above must be met when making attachments to Inter-County Energy's poles. Additionally, the following specifications will apply.  Appendix B

As part of Construction Standards above, the Communications Attachment Guide is a quick reference to various aspects of the pole attachment process, the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) that includes clearance requirements for power and telecommunications facilities, comments on proper construction practices, and general specifications.  It is intended to be a condensed operational guide primarily for field/operations personnel, and attachers should refer to the content of this webpage and the content of the pole attachment tariff or agreement for further specifics. Communications Attachment Guide


Inter-County Energy Pole/Span Map                                                                                                                                 

Our system map for poles and spans can be found in AldenOne.

Approved Contractor List

An Approved Contractor is a contractor appropriately qualified by the Cooperative to provide self-help surveys of Make Ready services. Contractors for self-help may only be utilized under certain conditions outlined in the pole attachment tariff or agreement, whichever is applicable to your pole attachments with Inter-County Energy. 

The currently approved contractors for surveys, simple make-ready, self-help complex make-ready and above the communications space make-ready are listed below, categorized by scope of services.

Electrical Contractors

•      5-Star Electric, LLC   Arty Strachla, CEO   175 SR 109N Clay, Kentucky 42404

•      Davis H Elliot Construction Co   Keith Simpson, Sr VP   673 Blue Sky Parkway Lexington, Kentucky 40509

Surveying/Engineering Service

•      McLean Engineering Company, Inc.   Chad David, Director of Business Development   2929 S. Main St. Moultrie, GA    31768


Safety Rules & Work Procedures 

Inter-County Energy reserves the right to be present on-site during any and all make-ready work activity on Inter-County Energy's owned poles.  For self-help, an attacher must provide notice of not less than five (5) business days of a field inspection, or seven (7) days of impending Make-ready, as part of any self-help remedy it may conduct. The notice shall include the date and time of the work, a description of the work involved, and the name of the Approved Contractor being used by the applicant.

The following safety rules and work procedures apply to make-ready work within the electric/power space.  All third-parties working in the electric/power space shall meet or exceed these requirements.

-All personnel working within 5' of normally energized overhead equipment (12kV) shall follow or exceed the requirements of our Minimum Approach Distance (MAD) procedure. This procedure prescribes the proper use pf Personal Protective Equipment, qualifications of personnel, and the proper use of protective devices to reduce the incident energy of arc flash. The requirements of Inter-County Energy's MAD procedure shall supersede all other published safety rules utilized by Inter-County Energy.

-The crew foreman or on-site supervisor must make contact with Inter-County Energy's Dispatch office (must discuss with Asst. System Engineer or VP of Operations and obtain contact information) before and after completing any make ready work in the electric/power space. We must utilize non-reclose and Hot Line Tag functionality as identified in our MAD procedure, and we must also have a documented work location for all personnel working in the electric/power space in the event of an emergency or power outage. 

We utilize the 14th Edition of the American Public Power Association (APPA) Safety Manual.