These are just some of our important cooperative statements and informational pieces.


    In October 2008, the Inter-County Energy board of directors approved an Identity Theft Red Flag Prevention Policy.  The “Red Flag Rule” was mandated by the Federal Trade Commission and has been implemented by the cooperative.  Procedure 29

    The Red Flag Rule requires all financial institutions and creditors to implement an “Identity Theft Prevention Program” for the purpose of detecting, preventing, and mitigating identity theft for their covered accounts. The rule applies to “creditors” who maintain one or more accounts and in the rule, the term “UtilityCompanies,” which includes Inter-County Energy, is defined as creditors.

    Because of this rule and the related policy, you may be asked to provide additional information and identification when you make inquiries regarding your service/account with Inter-County.  Please be patient with us as we work to ensure that we are compliant with this requirement.

    Disclosure: Individual privacy is very important, so Inter-County Energy will only collect and use information needed to offer and fulfill its core business purposes.  Inter-County Energy will be lawful and fair to the individual whose data it is storing and will retain only what is needed to maintain its relationship with the individual.  This means Inter-County Energy will not disclose information for an unrelated purpose without the consent of the individual or by authority of law.  Inter-County Energy’s ability to successfully implement its business is dependent on maintaining accurate information, therefore, Inter-County energy will strive to keep information it holds concerning customers accurate.  Inter-County Energy will be open about how it uses data, will not trade or sell an individual’s personal data and will not use cookies. For more information about Inter-County Energy’s privacy protection practices contact the President/CEO.
